One thing that irked me.... Many of you know I shot film for many years, and even now as I have switched to digital, I do no photoshop manipulation other than traditional darkroom adjustments such as adjusting lightness and darkness, contrast, etc. I watched and listened as many people debated this photo in particular, and heard one brother say to his sister... "I bet he just flipped the image." This, among other comments like, "There is no way the reflection is that crisp," or "maybe it is multiple images put together, " etc., was quite irksome, to say the least. I recognize that we live in a world of Photoshop gone wild, and digital imaging and digital manipulation allowing many possibilities, of course, but...well...arg.
Anyway, I was usually able to interject and inform the viewers that the reflection is so clear and crisp because it was shot in 14 degree weather, with a mostly frozen harbor, and yes, it was all real and no digital manipulation. I also realize that I will need a sign for future festivals and shows declaring the same on all my images.
The point? I don't know. Enjoy my work and I'll see you all at my next festival.
P.S. While you are in the gallery, you'll see that some Baltimore photos from the recent show at Zella's have been added.
I'll have some of my newest work for sale, as well as older pieces. Everything will be on sale to clear out my inventory and make room for new work!
See you there. Sunday, Noon to 8pm.
]]>If you are in the Baltimore area, I strongly recommend you connect with Sausage Barons, and keep an eye out for their offering at local restaurants, including Alewife, where we did the shoot. (Thanks to Chef Chad Wells for the prep and presentations.)
Rich has been pushing through the USDA process to get his product out there to the public. Check out his website to see what sausages will be available soon!
Here are a few of my favorite shots:
Show runs from now until May 20th, limited time!
Opening night is Thursday, May 8th, 6pm on, with free wine and pizza until 8 (get there early).
Location is 1145 Hollins St., Baltimore, MD, 21223.
See you there!
After years of pursuing other ventures more fully than my photography, my site has a redesign!
Please enjoy the new additions of work, and keep an eye out for many changes in the weeks to come, including online ordering, current wedding and event rates, and a special fundraiser with one of my images.
For now, let me know what you think of the new design. Any comments and constructive criticism are most welcome.
Follow the blog to keep up to date on my newest work, my showings, and news and links from around the photo universe.